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A student’s regular attendance in class is vital to spiritual, academic, and social development. Regular attendance in all assigned classes is expected.


Students with more than five unexcused absences during any nine-week grading period may receive failing marks for that grading period, which may jeopardize promotion to the next grade or result in loss of credit. Students who miss ten days or more during a semester may receive no credit for that semester’s work. Students who accumulate two or more unexcused absences in a semester may forfeit extracurricular activities and trips.

The administration reserves the right to excuse absences. Doctor’s notes or documentation must be received in the school office within three days after the absence. Absences will fall into one of the following categories:


Students are expected to be on time for class. When a student receives three unexcused tardies the following penalty will be administered:

Kindergarten through sixth grade student: $10 fine

Seventh through twelfth grade student: $10 fine and detention

Examples of excused tardies include family or personal emergencies, car accidents, extreme weather/traffic conditions, illness or injury.

Students who are late for school or tardy for any class must first report to the school office to receive a pass to be admitted to the classroom.

Early Dismissal

When it becomes necessary for a student to leave school early, parents must contact the school office prior to the student’s dismissal. Students must sign out through the school office. It is recommended that parents notify the teacher when a student is to leave early.

Pre-arranged Absence

Personal days off from school require a Pre-Arranged Absence Form be completed and submitted to the school office three days in advance of the absence. Upon approval, students will receive assignments in advance and will make up assignments in accordance with the MCA make-up work policy.

Family vacations and trips should be scheduled to correspond with the school calendar. Should it be absolutely necessary, students may be absent up to five days each school year for such reasons.

If a Pre-Arranged Absence Form was not filled out and approved prior to the first day of an absence, the absence may be considered an unexcused absence.

Students with an approved pre-arranged absence will have an equal amount of time to make up assignments. For example, two days of absence would mean two days to make up assignments.

Unplanned Absence

Occasionally, absences are unplanned (such as an illness or an emergency). When it is necessary that a student be absent, parents should notify the office the morning of the absence stating the reason. No absence will be excused without communication with the school office. Students who have been absent for more than three days due to illness may be requested to provide a doctor’s note upon returning to school.

Secondary students with an unplanned absence are responsible to contact their teachers to make up assignments. Parents of elementary students are responsible to contact the teacher for make-up assignments.

The following will apply to tardies and absences:

Excused absences

(student illness, death in the family, medical or dental appointments, approved pre-arranged absences)
  • Students with an excused absence will have an equal amount of days to make up work as days absent. (Example: If a student is absent on Monday and returns to school on Tuesday, the make-up work is due on Wednesday.)
  • In the case of extended absences, e.g., serious illness, hospitalization, etc., more time will be given depending upon individual circumstances.
  • A student with an excused absence the day before an assigned quiz or test may be excused from taking the quiz or test on the first day back to school only if the student was absent when new material was given or when significant review was accomplished.
    ○ If excused from taking the quiz or test, the student must take the quiz or test the following school day. Students cannot make up more than two tests in a day.

Unexcused absences

(absences for reasons other than those authorized under the school’s policies)
  • Any class work or quizzes administered during an unexcused absence may not be made up, and zero credit will be issued.
  • Students who are late for school must first report to the school office to receive a pass to be admitted to the classroom.

Timing of Tardies and Absences

  • Students arriving to school and reporting to class after 8:00 AM but before 9:55 AM will be counted as tardy.
  • Students arriving to school after 9:55 AM but before 1:10 PM will be counted as absent for one-half day.
  • Students arriving to school after 1:10 PM will be counted as absent for one entire day.
  • Students departing before 9:55 AM who do not return will be counted absent for one entire day.
  • Students departing after 9:55 AM who do not return will be counted absent for one-half day.

Senior Trip

Any senior not attending the senior trip will be required to be in attendance at school for the duration of the senior trip. (Any money raised by a senior who does not participate in the trip will be divided evenly among the seniors attending the trip.) Seniors who do not participate in the senior trip and who are not in attendance at school during that time receive unexcused absences.

Student Arrival and Dismissal

Students may arrive as early as 7:30 AM. School begins each day at 8:00 AM. Parents should proceed through the drop-off zone near the Bauer/Baker building doors (between 7:30 and 8:00 AM). Parents of preschool and kindergarten students should park in the lot and accompany their child to the classroom. All other students should proceed to their assigned classroom. The drop off zones are also fire lanes; vehicles may not be parked or left unattended at any time. All drivers are expected to abide by the posted speed limit.

Student drivers are required to park in the designated parking spaces.

The Bauer/Baker building doors will be locked at 8:00 AM. each day. Students arriving after 8:00 AM must be dropped off at the front of the building near the school office.

Dismissal is at 11:50 PM for half-day students (preschool and kindergarten only) or 3:00 PM for full-day students. Parents must park in spaces near the Bauer/Baker building while waiting for the students to exit the building. Vehicles must remain parked until the parking lot attendants have indicated that vehicles may exit the parking lot. (Please observe handicap parking spaces.) Parking lot attendants will direct traffic in order to promote safety for everyone.

  • Elementary students will be lined up by class either on the sidewalk or inside the lobby of the Bauer/Baker building, depending upon weather conditions. Secondary students will be dismissed from the classrooms at the end of the school day.
  • Students will be permitted to go to their vehicle as directed by teachers and parking lot attendants.
  • No student or any other individual may cross into the parking lot while vehicles are being directed to exit the parking lot.
  • Student safety is the priority during the dismissal process.
  • Please do not use this time to socialize with staff or students.

Late Stay

Preschool and elementary students who are not picked up from school when the dismissal period ends will be taken to Late Stay. This service is provided until 5:30 PM each school day, unless otherwise stated. Weekly charges will be charged through FACTS. Students who are not picked up by 5:30 PM will be charged an additional $10 fee.

Students may be picked up at the Bauer/Baker doors or the playground. When students are inside the building, please text Late Stay staff upon arrival and your child will be brought to you. Students may only be released to a parent or person designated by the parent as having permission to pick-up via FACTS. A valid I.D. may be requested at pick-up.

Students in Late Stay should have a parent-provided snack and refillable water bottle.

School Closing

In the event of inclement weather, driving conditions and temperature is considered when school is delayed or closed for the day. All delays and closings for Milford Christian Academy will be announced via FACTS Parent Alert, social media, and local news stations.

Building Admittance

Any individual (other than staff or students) who desires to enter the building must use the buzzer/intercom system prior to entry. Upon entry, individuals must sign in at the school office. No individual (other than staff or students) may enter any classroom or common area without having an appointment pre-arranged through the school office. Exceptions include sporting events, fine arts events, or graduation ceremonies.

Parents/guardians may occasionally join their child for lunch on special occasions when prior arrangements have been made with the teacher and/or administration. Table décor may not be set up for special occasions.