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Staff members will be trained in first aid and CPR. In the event of an accident or illness, every precaution will be taken to relieve and safeguard the injured or ill student. An accident report will promptly be completed by a staff member when an injury occurs that requires first aid. A copy of this form will be sent home to the parent, and a copy will be maintained on file at the school. Parents/guardians will be notified immediately when injuries are serious in nature.

Medication Policy

Students who require medication to be given during school hours must complete the medication information on the student’s FACTS account as well as complete the form label that will be attached to the medication.

Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container, labeled with the student’s name, dosage, and time to be administered. Over-the-counter medication must be in its original container with the original label attached that describes dosages based upon the child’s age or weight.

All medication must be dropped off or picked up in the school office by a parent or guardian. At no time are students permitted to have medication of any kind in their possession while at school with the exception of rescue medication such as an inhaler or EpiPen. Students are expressly prohibited from administering medication to other students.


Milford Christian Academy strives to maintain a healthy environment designed to prevent the spread of illness and communicable diseases. While not conclusive, following are symptoms that would require a student to stay home from school or will prompt staff to isolate the student and contact the parent/guardian for immediate pick-up while at school:

  • persistent cough or other problems with breathing
  • runny nose not related to seasonal allergies
  • fever of 100 degrees or higher without fever reducing medication within the last 24 hours
  • sore throat with pain in swallowing
  • vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  • eye that is red and oozing a yellow or green discharge
  • body rash with itching and/or fever
  • stiff neck in conjunction with an elevated temperature
  • evidence of a communicable disease or parasitic infection such as head lice, chicken pox, ringworm, etc.

In addition to the above symptoms, any student who is not well enough to participate in school activities will be isolated, and the parent/guardian will be contacted for immediate pick-up. In the event that the primary parent/guardian cannot retrieve the child within one hour, emergency contacts will be notified for pick-up.

Readmittance to School Following an Illness

A student may return to school after at least twenty-four hours free (without fever reducing medication) of fever or illness symptoms. If the student is not symptom free, a doctor’s note verifying that the student is not contagious may be required before readmittance.

Students who have had head lice may return to school following treatment and when there is no evidence of live lice or nits attached to the hair shaft. MCA administration reserves the right to have the student checked for the presence of head lice before allowing the student to return to class. Should infestation reoccur or persist, MCA administration reserves the right to require the student to provide a doctor’s release before the student may return to school.

Student Insurance

The school insurance program is a supplemental policy, not a primary one, and functions as such. If a student is injured, a claim must first be made with the parent’s primary insurance company. The school insurance policy will cover expenses not paid by the primary insurance policy, including out of pocket deductibles. Claim forms are available through the school office.