Code of Conduct
Principles of Discipline
The goal of Milford Christian Academy is to provide the best possible learning environment in a Christian atmosphere. Believing that discipline is necessary for the welfare of the student as well as the entire school, each teacher is given the responsibility of enforcing classroom regulations in accordance with school policy and in consideration of Christian principles of discipline as set forth in the Scriptures (Prov. 22:15; Heb. 12:6-7; Prov. 23:13).
Discipline in its noun form, according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (COED), is “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior.” It also states that discipline is “controlled behavior resulting from such training.” The verb form of discipline is to “train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior by punishment or rebuke.” The source of the English word discipline is from the Latin discipulus, which means “instruction, knowledge, a learner, to learn.” Interestingly enough, the COED says to see disciple. Disciple, according to COED, is “a personal follower of Jesus Christ...” with a secondary meaning as “a follower or pupil of a teacher, leader, or philosophy.” Both have the same Latin root word discipulus. Christian discipline can therefore be defined as discipleship, following Christ, which in turn leads to a certain lifestyle, one of self-discipline.
Discipline of students is a joint responsibility of the parents, teachers, and administrators. Parents who will not support and cooperate with the discipline standards of Milford Christian Academy may be required to withdraw their child(ren) from the school. The MCA discipline system endeavors to change inappropriate behavior while attempting to reach the heart of each student. The school recognizes that some behaviors that result in discipline at school are perfectly acceptable in other settings (e.g., chewing gum). It is our hope that the desired change will take place at the lowest possible level in a progressive manner. Attendance at Milford Christian Academy is a privilege and not a right. Students forfeit this privilege if they do not conform to the standards and philosophy of Milford Christian Academy.
The administration (secondary principal, elementary principal, and school president) may assign discretionary punishment as appropriate for all offenses covered or not expressly covered by the rules and levels of consequences contained in the following sections. Depending upon the offense and the circumstances, an alternative punishment may be given in lieu of the progressive punishment outlined in this Code of Conduct.
Administration and teachers will take advantage of every opportunity to positively reinforce proper behavior. Understandably, there must be a response for improper behavior that promotes accountability. Corrective measures will ensue for misbehavior. Administration and teachers will follow a progressive discipline plan when responding to students that allows for consistent, corrective measures that are appropriate for the particular type of misbehavior.
The MCA progressive discipline plan is divided into four levels. Each level represents progressively more serious misbehavior and consequences. The level of discipline imposed shall be based on the following: severity of the misbehavior, previous disciplinary history of the student as well as other relevant factors, and required due-process procedures. Disciplinary actions are designed to teach students self-discipline and to help them substitute inappropriate behaviors with those that are consistent with the character traits/qualities of Biblically minded servants.
The procedures listed in this section serve as a guide for staff and parents and in no way limit administration in responding to misbehavior. These policies are written to provide a due process of discipline and potential restoration for all students at MCA.
Level 1 Discipline
Level 1 discipline is used for minor acts of misconduct or irresponsible behavior which interfere with orderly classroom procedures, school functions, extracurricular programs, approved transportation, and a student’s own learning or the learning of others. Students may be disciplined by the staff member involved or referred directly to administration after recurring offenses.
Preschool through third Grade
Staff may utilize any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation, including but not limited to the following:
Elementary appropriate systematic classroom management system; teacher/student conference
Teacher/parent conference; referral to administration for recurring problems
Fourth through twelfth Grade
Staff may utilize any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation, including but not limited to the following:
Systematic tracking of misbehaviors; teacher/student conference
Teacher/parent conference; referral to administration for recurring problems
After-school detention
Level 2 Discipline
Level 2 discipline offenses are acts of misconduct which must be reported to administration. (These acts include but are not limited to repeated but unrelated acts of minor misbehavior directed against persons or property, but do not affect the student’s safety or learning environment.)
Preschool through third Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 2 offense may receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with administration
Fourth through twelfth Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 2 offense may receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by staff and administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with administration
After-school detention
Saturday school
Level 3 Discipline
Level 3 discipline offenses are serious acts of misconduct, including but not limited to repeated misbehavior that is similar in nature; serious disruptions of the school environment; threats to health, safety, or property; and other acts of serious misconduct. These offenses must be reported to administration.
Preschool through third Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 3 offense may receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with parents and administration.
Fourth through twelfth Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 3 offense may receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with parents and administration.
Level 4 Discipline
Level 4 discipline offenses are the most serious acts of misconduct. These offenses must be immediately reported to administration. These violations are so serious that they may require use of outside agencies and/or law enforcement. Level 4 misconduct that threatens the health, safety, or well-being of others will result in immediate suspension of the student from the school and school-sponsored activities for an indefinite period of time, pending a disciplinary investigation of the allegations.
Preschool through third Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 4 offense will receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by the administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with parents and administration.
Suspension/Probation Agreement
Fourth through twelfth Grade
Students found to have committed a Level 4 offense will receive any of the disciplinary management techniques appropriate for the situation as determined by administration, including but not limited to the following:
Student conference with parents and administration.
Suspension/Probation Agreement
Offenses and Disciplinary Actions
Certain forms of misconduct and disobedience of school policies make it necessary for administrators to take disciplinary action. The standards for student behavior apply to all students during school and at all school functions. The list of offenses that follows includes only those which are found to be the most common infractions of school rules. (Although other forms of misbehavior are not listed, it does not mean that they will be permitted.) Each classroom teacher will deal with classroom disruptions/behaviors in a systematic way that is firm and fair, while being compassionate and caring. This management will include taking in-class disciplinary action, through personal communication such as a phone call or email to the students’ parents or guardians, and delivering proper documentation of misbehaviors and previous counseling documents to administration. A teacher shall have the authority to remove from his classroom a student who repeatedly or substantially interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with students in the class or disrupts the learning environment of other students or engages in behavior which violates the Code of Conduct.
Inappropriate Behavior
Absence from School/Class Without Permission
Being absent from school/class without permission is strictly prohibited.
Chapel Misconduct
Any inappropriate behavior in chapel services (i.e. sleeping, passing notes) will result in consequences.
Cell Phone/Electronics
Use of all electronic devices and accessories, including cell phones, laser pointers, communication devices (i.e. smart watches), and ear buds during the school day is prohibited. Unless authorized by a staff member, cell phones and other electronic devices/accessories must be turned off and stored in the student’s locker during school hours. Use of a smartwatch is for telling time only.
The disciplinary actions for having electronic devices turned on or in use during school day hours are as follows:
- First offense: Student will relinquish the phone to a staff member, and the phone will be sent to the school office with documentation. It will then be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
- Second offense: Student will receive a detention, and the phone will be kept in the office until claimed by the student’s parent or guardian.
- Third offense: Student will receive an additional detention, and the student must turn in his phone to the office at the beginning of every day for one week.
- Fourth offense: Student will receive a Saturday School and forfeit the privilege to have a phone on campus for the remainder of the school year.
Refusal to relinquish a cell phone when requested by a teacher or administrator will be considered disrespect/insubordination and will be punished as indicated based on Level 2 or 3.
Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. A student is not allowed to copy another’s work and submit it as his own. The use of Artificial Intelligence Writing programs (i.e. ChatGPT, Jasper, Writesonic) to complete school assignments is prohibited. Students who knowingly provide answers on assignments/assessments to other students will be guilty of cheating as well. Plagiarism of work, including self-plagiarism (submission of previously completed work), is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action.
Chewing Gum/Eating/Drinking
Chewing gum is prohibited and will result in automatic detention. Eating and drinking beverages, other than at designated times and areas, is prohibited. Students may have water in approved containers in the classroom.
Classroom Disturbance
Students shall not commit any acts that disrupt the learning opportunities of other students. This includes inciting or encouraging others to engage in prohibited acts.
Dress Code Violation
Students in violation of the school dress code will receive a dress code violation. Students in grades five through twelve who receive three dress code violations will be issued a detention. Violations in dress code will be treated as any other disciplinary issue and will result in progressive discipline.
False Alarms/Threats
A student who transmits in any manner a false threat of fire or other panic-inducing situation (i.e. bomb threat, school shooting) will be subject to school discipline and/or prosecution under appropriate law.
Illegal Drugs/Alcohol/Nicotine/Vaping
A student is not allowed to use or possess any kind of vaping, nicotine, or tobacco-related product (vape pens, lighters, matches, and other flammable materials) on school property or while in attendance at a school-sponsored activity. A student may not possess, use, be under the influence of, sell, or distribute alcoholic beverages, narcotics, and/or stimulant drugs as well as drug-related products such as hookah pipes, rolling papers, etc. or willfully misrepresent or misuse substances as the aforementioned drugs.
Inappropriate Books/Magazines
Inappropriate reading material, whether in print or electronic, is not permitted at school. Administration reserves the right to determine what is and is not considered appropriate reading material.
Inappropriate Contact/Immoral Activity
Immorality/physical contact between students is strictly prohibited. Demonstrations of romantic involvement between students on school property are forbidden. Hand-holding, embracing, or any other contact that would contribute to undue familiarity will not be tolerated. This type of behavior will result in either detentions, suspensions, or expulsion. All behavior should be above reproach.
In accordance with the ministry’s statement of faith and in recognition of Biblical commands, no immoral conduct will be tolerated. The Bible strictly forbids such conduct which includes immoral actions as well as advocating for sinful behavior. The following will not be tolerated in any form and will constitute grounds for expulsion: any actions or identifying statements concerning the change of one’s gender at birth, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, or pornography (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Gen. 26:8-9; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom. 1: 26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4).
Insubordinate Behavior
Students are required to carry out the instructions of all school employees. Failure to follow instructions is disrespectful and will result in disciplinary consequences.
Internet Use
A student may not use computer or internet services for anything other than assigned class activities. Misuse or abuse of computer/internet will result in loss of computer access. Students accessing inappropriate materials/websites will also be subject to discipline related to that offense. See also Immoral Activity.
Lying/False Pretense
Students will not lie or engage in false pretense for any reason.
Physical Harassment/Assault
No student will be allowed to use physical force or violence on an employee of the school or another student. A student who participates in a fight will receive a consequence. When a student who initiates a fight is identified by a staff member, the administrator may use his discretion in administering differentiated disciplinary actions. A student who repeatedly fights or engages in threats, harassment, intimidation, or bullying will be suspended or expelled from school.
Possession of Weapons
Students shall not possess any type of gun, knife, martial arts paraphernalia, pepper spray, stun gun, taser, nonlethal air gun or bludgeon-type weapon at school. Law enforcement may be notified for violations.
Profane/Obscene Language or Behavior
Students will not use profane/obscene language or euphemisms for such language. Obscene/profane gestures and actions are also prohibited.
Sexual Harassment/Non-Consensual Physical Contact
These offences will be handled in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Sexual harassment includes unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature and which, because of the severity and/or persistence of the conduct, interferes significantly with an individual’s or a group’s work or education or adversely affects an individual’s or group’s living conditions. All sexual misconduct is a form of sexual harassment.
Non-consensual physical contact includes the intentional touching, manipulating, or fondling of a victim by the perpetrator or forcing the victim to touch directly or through clothing the perpetrator’s groin, genitals, breasts, thighs, or buttocks; or forcing a victim to touch the above-named parts of the victim’s own body for the sexual gratification of the perpetrator against the victim’s consent or after the victim has withdrawn consent.
Tardy to Class
Students in seventh through twelfth grade who receive three unexcused tardies to class will receive a detention. Students who are tardy to class must report to the school office to receive a pass to be admitted to the classroom.
A student is not permitted to steal, destroy, mark, deface, or damage any school property or any property belonging to a school employee, another student, or any person legitimately at the school.
Verbal Assault
No student will be allowed to threaten or intimidate an employee of the school or another student. Bullying is defined as follows:
- any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury upon another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so;
- any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or
- any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that;
- has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;
- is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
The term applies to acts which occur on school property, in school vehicles, or at school-related functions or activities. The term also applies to acts of cyberbullying which occur through the use of electronic communication, whether or not an electronic act originated on school property or with school equipment, if the electronic communication (1) is directed specifically at students or school personnel, (2) is maliciously intended for the purpose of threatening the safety of those specified or of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school, and (3) creates a reasonable fear of harm to another student’s or school personnel’s person or property, or has a high likelihood of succeeding in that purpose. For purposes of this section, electronic communication includes but is not limited to any transfer of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic, or photo optical system.
MCA encourages any teacher or other school employee, another student, parent, or guardian, either anonymously or in that person’s name, to report information on bullying activity. Any teacher or other school employee who, in the exercise of his personal judgment and discretion, believes he has reliable information that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that someone is a target of bullying is encouraged to immediately report it to the school administrator. Any report will be appropriately investigated by the administration based on the nature of the complaint in a timely manner to determine whether bullying has occurred. Any report of retaliation for reporting bullying will also be investigated and addressed as called for in this policy and in accordance with school procedures. Acts of bullying shall be punished by a range of consequences through the progressive discipline process, as stated in the Code of Conduct.
Cyberbullying is the willful and repeated bullying or harassment of another person or persons through the medium of social media, which includes electronic text. Students who engage in cyberbullying on social media sites, including electronic text, can be disciplined by Milford Christian Academy, and will be treated no differently than any other form of bullying.
Neither students nor parents should post inappropriate or threatening messages about or to another student, faculty member, or administrator.
Neither students nor parents should post explicit photographs or videos of themselves or of another student. Students should be reminded that explicit online photographs or videos of another student could constitute a criminal act.
Neither students nor parents should use social media to misrepresent, criticize, or defame the school or its employees in any way.
The school considers discretion and prudent judgment in social networking activities to be a serious matter with regard to protecting the school, its students, and its employees. How one represents himself online is an extension of himself, his family, and his school. No one should post anything he would not want parents, friends, teachers, future employers, or future colleges to see. As such, violation of this policy may lead to corrective action, up to and including suspension and expulsion.
Verbal Harassment
No student will be allowed to use defamatory, disrespectful, or discriminatory words toward an employee or another student.
Violations of the Law
Any student who violates the law while on school property or at any school-sponsored activity will be reported immediately to the proper legal authorities for prosecution. Depending on the seriousness of the offense and the actions taken by law enforcement agencies, school authorities may recommend expulsion. Violations of the law outside school hours by students may result in expulsion as well.
As misbehaviors escalate in severity, so will consequences. Lower level misbehaviors that continue or escalate after appropriate consequences have been assigned will result in more severe consequences including suspension and, in rare cases, expulsion. The following consequences are measures that will be employed in a progressive sequence to address misbehaviors.
Classroom Behavior Record
Teachers of students in grades fourth through twelve will maintain a written record of students’ incidents of unacceptable classroom behavior and irresponsible actions. Recurring incidents will result in written counseling that progresses from teacher/student to teacher/parent to student/administration.
After-School Detention
Detentions may be issued for Level 1 (recurring) and Level 2 misbehaviors.
The teacher that initiated the detention will contact the parent the day the detention is issued to the student. Detention forms must be signed and returned the following school day. A $10 fee will be assessed via FACTS for each detention assigned.
Detentions will be scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 3:10 PM until 3:55 PM Parents will be notified by phone or email and written communication. Transportation home from school will be the responsibility of the parent. Attendance is mandatory, and failure to appear will result in the assignment of an additional detention. MCA will honor one parent request per semester for a change of detention date. Additional requests will not be granted. Any student who is late to detention or fails to report to detention will receive an additional detention.
Each accrual of three detentions will result in a Saturday School. Accrued detentions not resulting in a Saturday School will be waived at semester break; however, Saturday Schools resulting from accrued detentions in the first semester will not be waived.
The following procedures will prevail when detentions are being served.
Students must use the restroom before coming to detention as they will not be permitted to leave the room during detention.
Absolutely no talking or communication between students will be permitted.
Students may not get up from their desks for any reason until dismissed by the teacher.
No food or drink will be allowed.
Students must bring two sharpened pencils and/or a pen and notebook paper. Borrowing supplies from others is not permitted.
Students may also be assigned school support service for detentions which could include cleaning teachers’ classrooms, taking the garbage out, etc. Such activities will be supervised by the teacher assigned to detention.
Students will not be allowed to do homework during detention.
Students may not leave early for any reason. All conduct policies and the school dress code will be adhered to during detention. Students who fail to serve a detention or fail to stay busy fulfilling the assigned task will be issued an additional detention.
Saturday School
Teachers will supervise students at Saturday School in a manner that holds the students accountable, promoting the concept that more serious or persistent misbehavior results in more unpleasant consequences. The following procedures shall prevail:
Saturday School will be scheduled based on faculty availability to supervise students.
Parents will be notified in writing at least one week in advance of students serving Saturday School.
Students will dress in school uniforms or extracurricular dress and will come prepared for either scholastic work or school support service. Students must check with the office on the Friday prior to serving to determine attire.
Students will report to the school office and will then sign in with the assigned teacher. A $25 fee will be assessed via FACTS for first Saturday School assigned. Students will serve from 8:00 to 10:00 AM The second Saturday School assignment will result in a $50 fee and an increased serving time, 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon.
The assigned teacher will escort students to the assigned room and separate students within the room so that the potential for communication is eliminated.
There will be no talking during Saturday School. Teachers will distribute scholastic materials and ensure that students perform the required assignment(s) quietly.
Students who fail to report for Saturday School or who misbehave or create a disruption during Saturday School in any way will be subject to an administrative/parental conference and suspension.
Students who have received two Saturday Schools will also receive a one day suspension from school. A third Saturday School will result in an additional suspension.
A student will be suspended from MCA for Level 3 infractions and recurring lower level issues. A suspended student will receive a zero for every missed assignment in every class while on suspension. However, the suspended student will be allowed to make up quizzes or tests to replace the zero with a 10-point reduction; quizzes and tests must be made up within the same number of days the student was suspended, beginning on the day following the suspension. Students will still be responsible for information on any missed tests or future quizzes, tests, or exams. Students who have been suspended are not allowed on the school campus for any reason before, during, or after school for the duration of the suspension. When suspended, students may not participate in practices or attend ball games on the day of the suspension. If a student is suspended on a Friday, he may not participate in any weekend activities such as school events, practices, or ball games. Two suspensions in a school year will result in a Probation Agreement for the subsequent two semesters.
Probation Agreement
A student who commits a level 4 misbehavior or earns a second suspension in a school year will be required to sign a Probation Agreement as a last measure prior to expulsion. Students who have been withdrawn by their guardians ahead of pending discipline who seek to re-enroll will sign the same agreement. Conditions of the agreement will be outlined and agreed upon by the student, parents, and the administration. Violation of a Probation Agreement will result in expulsion.
It is a serious matter when a student is expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA. For this reason, much consideration is given to all circumstances before this happens. Because attendance at MCA is a privilege, students who are expelled or asked to withdraw will forfeit that privilege for the remainder of the current semester and one additional full semester as a minimum before any consideration will be given for re-enrollment. Students who are expelled or asked to withdraw after midpoint of the fourth quarter of the school year should expect to sit out of MCA for two semesters. Such discretion is given solely to the administration for re-enrollment. Any student permitted to return to the school would do so under very strict probationary measures. Students expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA are not allowed to attend any school functions or be on school property during school hours without pre-approved administrative approval. Students expelled or asked to withdraw for offenses that involve law enforcement or other such agencies will not be allowed on school property for any school function and may be subject to arrest for violation of this policy. If a student is expelled or asked to withdraw, payment of tuition is expected for the remainder of the current month.
Definitions of key terms
Immoral Act
Bodily contact, actively undertaken or passively permitted, between members of the opposite sex or members of the same sex for satisfying sexual desires, and any bodily contact that a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in an immoral or homosexual act.
Identifying Statement
A statement that a student is homosexual, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise immoral, or words to that effect or language or behavior that a reasonable person would believe is intended to convey the statement that a student engages in or has a propensity or intent to engage in immoral, transgender, and/or homosexual acts.
“I am gay; I am a homosexual; I have a homosexual orientation; I am transgender; I identify as another gender.”
Homosexual and/or transgender conduct, defined as acts or identifying statements, is incompatible with enrollment at the Milford Christian Academy and is a basis for dismissal.
Identifying Act
Any act taken by a student that shows a proclivity for, agreement with, or support for homosexual behavior, transgender behavior, or otherwise immoral behavior.
Wearing apparel and/or accessories that show and/or imply support for homosexual, transgender, and/or other immoral behavior; wearing apparel, makeup, and/or accessories that are commonly associated with another gender than the student’s naturally-born gender; attempting to use the bathroom and/or locker room facilities of another gender than the student’s naturally-born gender.
Homosexual and/or transgender conduct, defined as acts or identifying statements, is incompatible with enrollment at Milford Christian Academy and is a basis for dismissal.
Social Media Policy
Students are encouraged to always exercise the utmost caution when participating in any form of social media or online communications. Students who participate in online interactions must remember that their communication reflects upon everyone associated with Milford Christian Academy and, as such, these interactions are subject to the same behavioral standards set forth in the Student Handbook. Students may not use social media sites to publish disrespectful, disparaging or harassing remarks about Milford Christian Academy staff or faculty, students, parents, relatives, athletic or academic contest rivals, etc.
The purpose of this policy is to protect students from unwanted social media pressures, set the school’s guidelines for appropriate behavior, and to encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring their children’s usage and presence on social media websites. Interacting online with other students or parents is no different than interacting with those individuals or groups face to face. Students who violate our Social Media Policy may be given detentions, suspensions, or even an expulsion for their actions. Parents who violate our Social Media Policy may be asked to withdraw their child based upon their actions as well.
Neither students nor parents may use social media to share homework, quiz, or test answers.
Posting, reposting or linking to other websites or ideas that do not represent the school’s Christian values and morals is strongly prohibited.