Edited Wording - Late Stay
Old Wording
Preschool and elementary students who are not picked up from school when the dismissal period ends will be taken to Late Stay. This service is provided until 5:30 PM each school day, unless otherwise stated. Weekly charges will be charged through FACTS.
Late Stay is located in Room 5 in the elementary hallway. Students may be picked up in Room 5, the playground, or the gymnasium, depending on weather. Students may bring a snack for Late Stay.
Students may only be released to a parent or person designated by the parent as having permission to pick-up via FACTS. A valid I.D. may be requested at pick-up. Students who are not picked up by 5:30 PM will be charged an additional $10 fee.
New Wording
Preschool and elementary students who are not picked up from school when the dismissal period ends will be taken to Late Stay. This service is provided until 5:30 PM each school day, unless otherwise stated. Weekly charges will be charged through FACTS. Students who are not picked up by 5:30 PM will be charged an additional $10 fee.
Students may be picked up at the Bauer/Baker doors or the playground. When students are inside the building, please text Late Stay staff upon arrival and your child will be brought to you. Students may only be released to a parent or person designated by the parent as having permission to pick-up via FACTS. A valid I.D. may be requested at pick-up.
Students in Late Stay should have a parent-provided snack and refillable water bottle.
Edited Wording - Food Service
- Old Wording - Students may not bring food from an outside source to be shared with classmates at school. Birthday treats to be shared with classmates at lunch are available for purchase through the school cafeteria via the FACTS account. The cafeteria needs a one-week notice to fulfill the request.
- Updated Wording - Students may not bring food from an outside source to be shared with classmates at school.
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Uniforms - Boys Uniforms
Old Wording
- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
- If an undershirt is worn, it must be either white or the color of the polo.
- Shirts must always be tucked in.
- Shirts must be buttoned, except for the top button.
- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
- Khaki (seventh through twelfth) or navy (all grades) pants
- Navy uniform shorts (kindergarten through sixth grade) to the knee in length
- Pants and shorts must be pulled up around the waist, and a dark-colored belt must be worn at all times.
New Wording
(kindergarten through twelfth grade)- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
- If an undershirt is worn, it must be either white or the color of the polo.
- Shirts must always be tucked in.
- Shirts must be buttoned, except for the top button.
- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
(kindergarten through sixth grade)- Navy uniform pants or shorts
- Hemilines must touch the knee.
- Pants and shorts must be pulled up around the waist.
- A dark-colored belt must be worn with bottoms that have belt loops.
- Navy uniform pants or shorts
(seventh through twelfth grade)- Navy (no denim), black, gray, or khaki pants
- Pants and shorts must be pulled up around the waist.
- A dark-colored belt must be worn with bottoms that have belt loops.
- Navy (no denim), black, gray, or khaki pants
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Uniforms - Girls Uniforms
Old Wording
- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
- If an undershirt is worn, it must be either white or the color of the polo.
- Shirts must be buttoned, except for the top button.
- Navy jumper (to the knee in length) - kindergarten through sixth grade only
- Navy uniform shorts (to the knee in length) - kindergarten through sixth grade only
- Dark-colored belts must be worn with shorts.
- Navy skort (to the knee in length)
- Khaki (seventh through twelfth grade) and navy (all grades) skirts (to the knee in length)
- Navy, black, or grey leggings may be worn under uniform bottoms and may be purchased from any store. Leggings must be solid in color and in construct of the fabric (no cut-outs, netting, sheer fabric, etc.).
- It is recommended that elementary girls wear dark-colored bike shorts (may be purchased at any store) under jumpers and skirts.
New Wording
Shirts :
(kindergarten through twelfth grade)- Polo - Royal blue, heather gray, navy, or light blue
- If an undershirt is worn, it must be either white or the color of the polo.
- Shirts must be buttoned, except for the top button.
(kindergarten through sixth grade)- Navy uniform jumper
- Navy uniform skort
- Navy uniform shorts
- Hemlines must touch the knee.
- A dark-colored belt must be worn with bottoms that have belt loops.
- Navy, black, or gray leggings may be worn under uniform bottoms and may be purchased from any store. Leggings must be solid in color and in construct of the fabric (no cut-outs, netting, sheer fabric, etc.).
- It is recommended that girls wear dark-colored bike shorts (may be purchased at any store) under jumpers and skirts.
(seventh through twelfth grade)- Navy (no denim), black, gray, or khaki skirt
- Hemlines must touch the knee.
- Skirt style may not be form-fitting.
- Slits in skirts may not extend past the top of the knee.
- A dark-colored belt must be worn with bottoms that have belt loops.
- Navy, black, or gray leggings may be worn under uniform bottoms and may be purchased from any store. Leggings must be solid in color and in construct of the fabric (no cut-outs, netting, sheer fabric, etc.).
- Navy (no denim), black, gray, or khaki skirt
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Uniforms
Old Wording
School uniforms for kindergarten through twelfth grade must be purchased from Schoolbelles (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com.
French Toast
Some French Toast uniform items may be purchased at local retail stores; however, items worn to school must be the exact items sold on the Milford Christan Academy page of the French Toast website.
Preschool students are not required to wear school uniforms. Preschool students may wear comfortable play clothes that are appropriate for weather conditions, allow for ease in using the restroom, and do not disrupt the learning environment. Students may not wear tops that expose a bare midriff. All preschool students are required to be daytime potty trained. No diapers or pull-ups will be permitted at any time. A seasonally appropriate change of clothing placed inside a resealable plastic bag must be kept in the student’s backpack throughout the school year.
All students must wear clothing that is specific to the child’s gender (at birth).
New Wording
Kindergarten through sixth grade - School uniform polos and bottoms must be purchased from Schoolbelles (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com.
Seventh through twelfth grade - School uniform polos must be purchased from Schoolbelles (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com. Uniform bottoms may be purchased from Schoolbelles (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com. Students in seventh through twelfth grade may also purchase bottoms (skirts for girls or pants for boys) at any store/website, provided they meet the dress code requirements.
Preschool Students are not required to wear school uniforms. Preschool students may wear comfortable play clothes that are appropriate for weather conditions, allow for ease in using the restroom, and do not disrupt the learning environment. Students may not wear tops that expose a bare midriff. All preschool students are required to be daytime potty trained. No diapers or pull-ups will be permitted at any time. A seasonally appropriate change of clothing placed inside a resealable plastic bag must be kept in the student’s backpack throughout the school year.
French Toast
Some French Toast uniform items may be purchased at local retail stores; however, items worn to school must be the exact items sold on the Milford Christan Academy page of the French Toast website.
All students must wear clothing that is specific to the child’s gender (at birth).
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Suspensions
- Old Wording - A student will be suspended from MCA for Level 3 infractions and recurring lower level issues. A suspended student will receive a zero in every class for every day he is suspended but will be allowed to make up tests missed due to suspensions with a 10-point reduction. Students will still be responsible for information on any missed tests or future quizzes, tests, or exams. Students who have been suspended are not allowed on the school campus for any reason before, during, or after school for the duration of the suspension. When suspended, students may not participate in practices or attend ball games on the day of the suspension. If a student is suspended on a Friday, he may not participate in any weekend activities such as school events, practices, or ball games. Two suspensions in a school year will result in a Probation Agreement for the subsequent two semesters.
- Updated Wording - A student will be suspended from MCA for Level 3 infractions and recurring lower level issues. A suspended student will receive a zero for every missed assignment in every class while on suspension. However, the suspended student will be allowed to make up quizzes or tests to replace the zero with a 10-point reduction; quizzes and tests must be made up within the same number of days the student was suspended, beginning on the day following the suspension. Students will still be responsible for information on any missed tests or future quizzes, tests, or exams. Students who have been suspended are not allowed on the school campus for any reason before, during, or after school for the duration of the suspension. When suspended, students may not participate in practices or attend ball games on the day of the suspension. If a student is suspended on a Friday, he may not participate in any weekend activities such as school events, practices, or ball games. Two suspensions in a school year will result in a Probation Agreement for the subsequent two semesters.
Added Wording - Academics - Graduation/Credit
Section Added - Admissions
Students desiring to enroll at Milford Christian Academy who were previously home educated or enrolled in another school will go through the admissions process using the FACTS Student Information System found on the school website. Admissions staff will request all documentation of academic, disciplinary, and specified records for consideration prior to acceptance. Students will be placed at appropriate grade levels and scheduled for classes that follow a clear path to high school graduation. Students whose academic history precludes a clear path to graduation may be denied enrollment at MCA.
Added Wording - Food Service
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Inappropriate Behavior - Inappropriate Contact/Immoral Activity
- Old Wording - Immorality/physical contact between male and female students is strictly prohibited.
- New Wording - Immorality/physical contact between students is strictly prohibited.
Edited Wording - Illness & Readmittance
Milford Christian Academy strives to maintain a healthy environment designed to prevent the spread of illness and communicable diseases. While not conclusive, following are symptoms that will prompt staff to isolate the student and contact the parent/guardian for immediate pick-up:
Old List
- persistent cough
- runny nose
- fever of 100 degrees or higher
- sore throat with difficulty in swallowing
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- difficult or rapid breathing
- yellowish/jaundiced skin or eyes
- a condition that indicates eye infection (redness of the eye or eyelid, puss, matted eyelashes, burning, itching, eye pain, etc.)
- unidentified skin patches, rashes, etc.
- stiff neck in conjunction with an elevated temperature
- evidence of head lice, scabies or other parasitic infection
New List
- persistent cough or other problems with breathing
- runny nose not related to seasonal allergies
- fever of 100 degrees or higher without fever reducing medication within the last 24 hours
- sore throat with pain in swallowing
- vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- eye that is red and oozing a yellow or green discharge
- body rash with itching and/or fever
- stiff neck in conjunction with an elevated temperature
- evidence of a communicable disease or parasitic infection such as head lice, chicken pox, ringworm, etc.
In addition to the above symptoms, any student who is not well enough to participate in school activities will be isolated, and the parent/guardian will be contacted for immediate pick-up. In the event that the primary parent/guardian cannot retrieve the child within one hour, emergency contacts will be notified for pick-up.
Readmittance to School Following an Illness
Old Wording
A student may return to school after at least twenty-four hours free of fever or illness symptoms. If the student is not symptom free, a doctor’s note verifying that the student is not contagious will be required before readmittance.
Students who have had head lice may return to school following treatment and when there is no evidence of live lice or nits attached to the hair shaft. MCA administration reserves the right to have the student checked for the presence of head lice before allowing the student to return to class. Should infestation reoccur or persist, MCA administration reserves the right to require the student to provide a doctor’s release before the student may return to school.
New Wording
A student may return to school after at least twenty-four hours free (without fever reducing medication) of fever or illness symptoms. If the student is not symptom free, a doctor’s note verifying that the student is not contagious may be required before readmittance.
Students who have had head lice may return to school following treatment and when there is no evidence of live lice or nits attached to the hair shaft. MCA administration reserves the right to have the student checked for the presence of head lice before allowing the student to return to class. Should infestation reoccur or persist, MCA administration reserves the right to require the student to provide a doctor’s release before the student may return to school.
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Extracurricular Activities
Old Wording
Young Ladies:
- Modest and appropriate pants or capris (no holes). Leggings may be worn under a skirt, shorts, skort, or pants only.
New Wording
Young Ladies:
- Modest and appropriate pants (no pajama pants) or capris (no holes). Leggings may be worn under clothing such as skirts, shorts, or skorts, but may not be worn as pants for extracurricular activities.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Social Media Policy
- Old Wording - Posting or linking to other websites, retweeting, or reposting to other websites or ideas that do not represent the school’s Christian values and morals is strongly prohibited.
- New Wording - Posting, reposting or linking to other websites or ideas that do not represent the school’s Christian values and morals is strongly prohibited.
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Extracurricular Activities
Old Wording
Young Ladies:
- Modest and appropriate pants or capris (no holes). Leggings may be worn under a skirt, shorts, skort, or pants only.
Young Men:
- Jeans or shorts that come to the knee
New Wording
Young Ladies:
- Modest and appropriate pants (no pajama pants) or capris (no holes). Leggings may be worn under a skirt, shorts, skort, or pants only.
Young Men:
- Pants (no pajama pants) or shorts that come to the knee
Edited Points - Homecoming - Young Ladies
Old Points:
- All dresses must be approved in advance at scheduled dress checks.
- The neckline of dresses must be no lower than the width of three fingers below the opening of the collar bone. The same height guideline applies for the back of the dress as well.
- No strapless, or strapped dresses are to be worn without a jacket/shawl/wrap. These coverings may not be sheer or see-through and must be worn at all times during the event.
- Sleeveless dresses may be worn without coverings so long as the dress is a natural sleeveless dress. Armholes must be fitted in a way that there is no gapping in the dress in which one can see into the dress.
- All dresses must completely cover the knee when seated, and slits may not come higher than the bottom of the knee.
- Dresses may not be form-fitting or tight. Undergarments or lines may not be revealed.
- If any sheer material is worn, it must have a lining.
New Points:
- All dresses must be approved in advance at scheduled dress checks.
- The neckline of the dress must cover the chest area. The back of the dress must come to the middle of the back or higher and cover all undergarments.
- Shoulders should be covered, and dress straps must be the width of at least two fingers. If the dress does not meet this requirement, wearing a covering such as a sweater or shawl over the dress is necessary.
- The bottom of the dress must come to the knee when sitting and standing. The same guideline applies to slits.
- Sleeves, sleeve openings and necklines must cover all undergarments.
- The dress may not be tight or form fitting.
- See-through material is not permitted to cover your person from shoulder to knee.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Inappropriate Behavior
- Old Wording - Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. A student is not allowed to copy another’s work and submit it as his own. Students who knowingly provide answers on assignments/assessments to other students will be guilty of cheating as well. Plagiarism of work, including self-plagiarism (submission of previously completed work), is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action.
- Updated Wording - Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. A student is not allowed to copy another’s work and submit it as his own. The use of Artificial Intelligence Writing programs (i.e. ChatGPT, Jasper, Writesonic) to complete school assignments is prohibited. Students who knowingly provide answers on assignments/assessments to other students will be guilty of cheating as well. Plagiarism of work, including self-plagiarism (submission of previously completed work), is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action.
Changed Providers - Uniforms
- Old Wording - School uniforms for kindergarten through twelfth grade must be purchased from Shaheen’s (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com.
- New Wording - School uniforms for kindergarten through twelfth grade must be purchased from Schoolbelles (in store or online) or FrenchToast.com.
New Provider
1751 Monmouth StreetNewport, KY 41071
School Code: s3047
Previous Provider
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Outerwear
Old Wording
- Navy cardigan sweater (purchased at Shaheen’s or French Toast)
- School spirit wear (purchased at school spirit store)
New Wording
- Navy cardigan sweater (purchased at Schoolbelles or French Toast)
- School spirit wear (purchased at school spirit store or Schoolbelles)
Edited Wording - Food Service
- Old Wording - Students are permitted to have a clear, refillable water bottle in the classroom during school hours at the teacher’s discretion. Water bottles may contain only water; no other liquid is permitted.
- New Wording - Students are permitted to have an approved refillable water bottle in the classroom during school hours at the teacher’s discretion. Water bottles may contain only water; no other liquid is permitted.
Edited Wording - Dress Code - Extracurricular Activities
Young Ladies
- Old Wording - Modest and appropriate pants or capris
- New Wording - Modest and appropriate pants or capris (no holes). Leggings may be worn under a skirt, shorts, skort, or pants only.
Edited Wording - Unexcused Absenses
Unexcused Absences
- Old Wording - All one section
- New Wording - Below section broken out
- Students arriving to school and reporting to class after 8:00 AM but before 9:55 AM will be counted as tardy.
- Students arriving to school after 9:55 AM but before 1:10 PM will be counted as absent for one-half day.
- Students arriving to school after 1:10 PM will be counted as absent for one entire day.
- Students departing before 9:55 AM who do not return will be counted absent for one entire day.
- Students departing after 9:55 AM who do not return will be counted absent for one-half day.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct
- Old Wording - It is a serious matter when a student is expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA. For this reason, much consideration is given to all circumstances before this happens. Because attendance at MCA is a privilege, students who are expelled or asked to withdraw will forfeit that privilege for the remainder of the current semester and one additional full semester as a minimum before any consideration will be given for re-enrollment. Students who are expelled or asked to withdraw after midpoint of the fourth quarter of the school year will not be allowed to enroll for two whole semesters. Such discretion is given solely to the administration for re-enrollment. Any student permitted to return to the school would do so under very strict probationary measures. Students expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA are not allowed to attend any school functions or be on school property during school hours without pre-approved administrative approval. Students expelled or asked to withdraw for offenses that involve law enforcement or other such agencies will not be allowed on school property for any school function and may be subject to arrest for violation of this policy. If a student is expelled or asked to withdraw, payment of tuition is expected for the remainder of the current semester.
- Updated Wording - It is a serious matter when a student is expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA. For this reason, much consideration is given to all circumstances before this happens. Because attendance at MCA is a privilege, students who are expelled or asked to withdraw will forfeit that privilege for the remainder of the current semester and one additional full semester as a minimum before any consideration will be given for re-enrollment. Students who are expelled or asked to withdraw after midpoint of the fourth quarter of the school year should expect to sit out of MCA for two semesters. Such discretion is given solely to the administration for re-enrollment. Any student permitted to return to the school would do so under very strict probationary measures. Students expelled or asked to withdraw from MCA are not allowed to attend any school functions or be on school property during school hours without pre-approved administrative approval. Students expelled or asked to withdraw for offenses that involve law enforcement or other such agencies will not be allowed on school property for any school function and may be subject to arrest for violation of this policy. If a student is expelled or asked to withdraw, payment of tuition is expected for the remainder of the current month.
Edited Wording - Academics
Achievement Tests
- Old Wording - The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) test will be administered to all tenth and eleventh grade students in October of each school year during school hours. This testing is required, and a testing fee will be billed to your FACTS account.
- Updated Wording - The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) test will be administered to all eleventh grade students in October of each school year during school hours. The CLT10 will be administered to the tenth grade. This testing is required, and a testing fee will be billed to your FACTS account.
Edited Wording - Attendance - Absences
Unplanned Absence
- Old Wording - Occasionally, absences are unplanned (such as an illness or an emergency). When it is necessary that a student be absent, parents should notify the office the morning of the absence stating the reason. No absence will be excused without communication with the school office. Students who have been absent for more than three days due to illness should provide a doctor’s note upon returning to school.
- Updated Wording - Occasionally, absences are unplanned (such as an illness or an emergency). When it is necessary that a student be absent, parents should notify the office the morning of the absence stating the reason. No absence will be excused without communication with the school office. Students who have been absent for more than three days due to illness may be requested to provide a doctor’s note upon returning to school.
Point Added - Student Lockers
- Student lockers will be locked at all times. Only locks issued by MCA are allowed.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Inappropriate Behavior
- Old Wording - Students in violation of the school dress code will receive a dress code violation. Students in grades seven through twelve who receive three dress code violations in a nine-week period will be issued a detention. Persistent violations in dress code will be deemed as a more serious disciplinary problem and will result in progressive discipline.
- Updated Wording - Students in violation of the school dress code will receive a dress code violation. Students in grades five through twelve who receive three dress code violations will be issued a detention. Violations in dress code will be treated as any other disciplinary issue and will result in progressive discipline.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Inappropriate Behavior
- Old Wording - Students may have bottled water (in clear plastic containers) in the classroom.
- Updated Wording - Students may have water in approved containers in the classroom.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct - Inappropriate Behavior
- Old Wording - Use of all electronic devices and accessories, including cell phones, laser pointers, communication devices (i.e. smart watches), and ear buds during the school day is prohibited. Cell phones and other electronic devices/accessories must be turned off and not in use during school day hours. Use of a smartwatch is for telling time only.
- Updated Wording - Use of all electronic devices and accessories, including cell phones, laser pointers, communication devices (i.e. smart watches), and ear buds during the school day is prohibited. Unless authorized by a staff member, cell phones and other electronic devices/accessories must be turned off and stored in the student’s locker during school hours. Use of a smartwatch is for telling time only.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct
- Old Wording - Each classroom teacher will deal with classroom disruptions/behaviors in a systematic way that is both firm and fair.
- Updated Wording - Each classroom teacher will deal with classroom disruptions/behaviors in a systematic way that is firm and fair, while being compassionate and caring.
Edited Wording - Code of Conduct
- Old Wording - Depending upon the offense and the circumstances, an alternative punishment may be given in addition to the progressive punishment outlined in this Code of Conduct.
- Updated Wording - Depending upon the offense and the circumstances, an alternative punishment may be given in lieu of the progressive punishment outlined in this Code of Conduct.